EPW Bios - Sadhib
Sadhib - can't you see him?

Theme tune: "..."
Height: ?
Weight: ?
From: Chickenwing Z's imagination
Finishing move: Invisible Elbow
Career Highlights: Being pushed out of the ring by CrazeeKim
Favourite Quote: Hasn't been heard

Introduced to the EPW by his top comrade Chickenwing Z, Sad-Hib was here to act as Chickenwing Z's advisor and tag team partner in the Lamer World Order.  However, things went horribly wrong in recent times, seeing Chickenwing Z turn on Sad-Hib for not aiding him in a match, prompting them to face off in the ring.  After a hard fought battle, Chickenwing Z emerged the victor, in his first ever win!  This has left Sad-Hib rather delusional we've been told, and nobody has seen him since. 

Having said that ... nobody had ever seen him ...

Like his partner Chickenwing Z - this newcomer to the EPW is yet to prove his prowess among the ranks. He was often found interfering in Chickenwing Z's matches to try and give his former partner the win. This never really paid off and he seems to have made little influence on anyone or anything here in the EPW. It's almost like he doesn't exist.